Constellation Clearsight Provides Voliro Flying Robots for Utility Inspections

Mina Kamel

Energy inspection company Constellation Clearsight has signed long-term agreement with Voliro AG, a technology provider that specializes in developing advanced airborne robots for critical infrastructure inspection and maintenance.

“Voliro’s highly maneuverable, advanced aerial inspection platform combined with Clearsight’s experienced experts will provide customers with actionable insights about the structural integrity of their equipment without risking the safety of a human inspector,” says Jimmy Carter, general manager of Constellation Clearsight.

Clearsight will provide its customers with the Voliro T flying robot to further advance its inspection offerings for utilities. The Voliro T employs six degrees of freedom to fly effortlessly and steadily in the air and to touch objects at any angle. This 360-degree drone will enable Clearsight to go further with non-destructive testing and provide ultrasonic testing and dry-film thickness measurements to its customers.

“Constellation Clearsight presents us with an incredible opportunity – their qualified experts have the knowledge, resources and physical assets to offer solutions to plant owners to perform inspections faster and safer than before,” comments Mina Kamel, CEO of Voliro.

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World’s biggest battery storage system comes back online after months of shutdown

Battery racks at Moss Landing Energy Storage Facility. Image: LG Energy Solution.

Moss Landing Energy Storage Facility, at 400MW/1,600MWh the world’s biggest battery energy storage system (BESS) project so far, is back online.

Owner Vistra Energy had called a temporary halt to its operation and market participation after battery overheating incidents at both phases of the project.

The 300MW/1,200MWh Phase I, commissioned in December 2020, went out of action after a September 2021 incident, while Phase II’s separate 100MW output and 400MWh of capacity went online a month before that incident, only to be also switched off in February this year.

Vistra said in a statement yesterday (11 July) that a successful restart has been carried out with more than 98% of the total 400MW storing energy and releasing it to California’s CAISO grid. The plan communicated earlier by the company, had been to have it up and running during the first half of this year.

While the company had not responded to an earlier enquiry on progress from last month, yesterday Vistra revealed it had been incrementally beginning to re-energise the battery energy storage system (BESS) in May and June.

The final 2%, or 7MW, will come back online once equipment (replacement batteries and electrical components) arrives on site and the company said it continues to work with regulators and local authorities as restoration work goes on.

A further expansion of the facility is ongoing, the independent power producer (IPP) said. Phase 3 will add 350MW/1,400MWh of capacity and the start of its installation was announced in January. The company has previously said that Moss Landing, at which BESS technology has been installed in the former turbine halls and other parts of a former gas power plant site, has the infrastructure and grid connection capacity to potentially be sized up to 1.5GW/6GWh.

Indeed, California utility PG&E, which is an offtaker for Vistra’s BESS, has also just deployed its own system at Moss Landing, the 182.5MW/730MWh Elkhorn Battery. While Vistra’s Moss Landing project uses LG Energy Solution battery racks, Tesla supplied the full BESS solution to PG&E for Elkhorn.

Batteries themselves were not the cause of the overheating, at least not at Phase 1, according to Vistra’s principal investigation findings published in January.

Instead, a fault-detection system responded to an overheating air-handling unit, triggering sprinklers that “improperly” sprayed water onto battery racks, which had been operating at normal temperature until the spraying occurred.

Vistra’s report also contained a number of corrective actions that the company said it would take.

Moss Landing Energy Storage Facility: Timeline of the story so far

July 2018: Vistra wins offtake contract with PG&E for 300MW Phase 1 of Moss Landing Energy Storage Facility, while Tesla gets contracted to deliver PG&E’s own project at the site. They will be among the first large-scale battery systems with four-hour capacity contracts for resource adequacy.

September 2018: Regulator California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) approves the contracts.  

December 2020: Vistra brings Phase 1 online

June 2021: LG Energy Solution announced it supplied battery racks to the project.

August 2021: Phase 2 is brought online.

September 2021: Overheating incident brings operation of Phase 1 to a halt.

January 2022: 350MW Phase 3 is announced.

January 2022: Vistra announces findings of preliminary investigation.

February 2022: Phase 2 taken offline after what was described as a similar instance of overzealous sprinkler activation causing problems with a number of battery racks.

April 2022: CPUC approves PG&E’s contract with Vistra for MOSS350, the 350MW/1,400MWh BESS third phase of the project.

May/June 2022: Capacity back online.

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Netherlands grid operators using batteries to relieve bottlenecks

GIGA Buffalo, the largest planned BESS project in the Netherlands. Image: GIGA Storage.

Grid operators in the Netherlands are trialling the potential of large battery storage to relieve bottlenecks in the grid.

Liander, one of the seven main grid operators in the country, has partnered with developer GIGA Storage to deploy the batteries in Amsterdam, Alkmaar and Lelystad. Another operator, Enexis Netbeheer, has partnered with solar PV operator PowerField to do the same in Drenthe.

As the second-most densely populated country in Europe (excluding microstates), the Netherlands’ grid is reaching maximum capacity in more and more places. But, GIGA Storage pointed out, the maximum capacity is only reached during specific peak periods with capacity available for most of the remainder.

When allowing capacity onto the network, grid operators have to consider the maximum amount that all connected resources could request simultaneously, severely limiting the amount of assets they approve leading to much unused capacity.

Liander is starting three pilots with GIGA to add 10-20MW-sized batteries in Amsterdam and Alkmaar, and a 25MW one in Leylstad. The Leylstad grid has reached maximum capacity for the feed-in of wind and solar power, and the battery will increase input by storing the excess power.

They will also explore time-limited contracts, which will allow the batteries to only charge or discharge when there is available capacity. Currently, all resources including new batteries have to sign up to 24/7 grid access but the New Energy Act (Nieuwe Energiewet), set to come into effect in 2024/25, will allow for a more flexible approach.

Ruud Nijs, CEO of GIGA Storage, said: “We are in talks with the grid operators to realise large-scale energy storage. This creates a partnership between all parties in the energy chain that will contribute to a rapid energy transition and a substantial alleviation of connection problems.”

Enexis Netbeheer and PowerField’s collaboration is centred around the latter’s solar-plus-storage projects. PowerField will use a combination of a battery and time-limited contracts to help with grid congestion.

Nijs discussed his company’s 25MW/48MWh GIGA Buffalo battery storage project – the largest project in the country, pictured above – with in January.

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UK government cements energy storage’s role as generation asset

The UK parliament passed the Energy Bill last week.

The UK government has cemented the role of energy storage as a generation asset in last week’s landmark Energy Bill.

The Bill was passed last week (6 July) by energy minister Kwasi Kwarteng and is designed to boost the UK’s energy security in light of recent market volatility. It was covered in-depth by’ sister site Current, which you can read here.

It includes 26 measures across three main areas: reforms to protect customers, leveraging private investment to develop domestic renewable generation, and ensuring the safety and resilience of the UK’s energy system.

The Bill is also looking to remove obstacles to battery energy storage and pumped hydro storage, by clarifying it as a distinct subset of electricity generation.

Given energy storage’s role as both a consumer and generator of electricity, regulation of it ran into headwinds initially. In 2020, UK regulator Ofgem made the decision to classify energy storage as a subset of generation, but at the time industry bodies like the Renewable Energy Association (REA) argued that this must be a “stopgap measure” until parliamentary time was found to enshrine this role. The introduction of the definition within the new Bill will now cement its role as generation.

Despite this lack of clarity on storage’s role in the energy sector, it has grown substantially in the UK in recent years as the expansion of the balancing markets have led to surging demand. As of May 2021, the pipeline of utility-scale battery storage projects stood at nearly 40GW.

Nonetheless, industry actors have long called for storage to be given its own distinct definition. When Ofgem was about to define it as a subset of generation in 2020, REA head of policy Frank Gordon said it needed a broader definition. Policy lead at think-tank ReGen Madeleine Greenhalgh said that giving it its own asset class could result in a framework that would allow the technology to flourish.

The German parliament recently passed law amendments giving energy storage its own legal definition, defining it as an asset where “the final use of electrical energy is postponed to a later point in time than when it was generated”.

A local academic echoed Greenhalgh’s comments regarding the UK market, telling the move would help future regulation to be more friendly to the technology.

“With the new definition, regulations can be set up explicitly for energy storage to avoid these problems,” said Jan Figgener, head of Grid Integration and Storage System Analysis at ISEA RWTH Aachen University.

Additional reporting by Molly Lempriere, editor, Current.

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‘We think we can beat lithium-ion’: Enervenue bids for battery storage supremacy

EnerVenue’s energy storage solution. Image: EnerVenue.

It has been a big year so far for non-lithium battery technology providers like Enervenue. The sector to date has been supported largely by VC funding, R&D efforts and the occasional injection of modest government support.

It’s been something our readers are hugely interested to know more about, particularly as many of them are technically capable of competing with lithium chemistries on heavy duty and frequent cycling, discharge duration, durability and lifetimes of minimal maintenance and lower balance of plant costs.

However, the economics of today’s energy storage market and the scale of production, as well as the more trusted and bankable profile of lithium, means that alternative electrochemical energy storage technologies like flow batteries, sodium-sulfur (NAS) batteries, various types of zinc battery and many others have long been talked about for their potential and in pilot projects rather than invested in and deployed en masse.

While still representing a fraction of the lithium-ion market, just in the past few months, has reported on growing customer orders for the likes of Ambri’s liquid metal battery, Eos Energy Enterprises’ zinc hybrid cathode battery and various flow battery providers.

Enervenue is a relative newcomer to the mix. It emerged from stealth mode in 2020 and, after raising US$125 million in a Series A funding round a year later, has already logged 5GWh of customer orders for its nickel-hydrogen batteries.

We spoke to the company’s CEO, Jorg Heinemann, on why he thinks the metal-hydrogen technology – a technology that has been tried, tested, and used in space and now brought down to earth and readied for mass production – can be a direct competitor to lithium-ion for battery energy storage systems (BESS).

Heinemann was previously involved in strategy and operations for zinc-bromine flow battery company Primus Power and before that in various roles at Sunpower during its large-scale PV power plant days. He says years of evaluating the different options have led to him taking on the role at Enervenue at its launch two years ago.

‘Very simple, very versatile’

“We believe we can become the market leader for stationary applications and the reason is, what we offer is a very simple, very versatile alternative to the complexity of lithium-ion,” Heinemann says.

Capable of being operated in low or high ambient temperatures (-40°C to 60°C), with a lengthy expected lifetime (30 years, equivalent to 30,000 duty cycles), capable of 2-to-12-hour durations of storage and very fast charge and discharge (C/10+ to 5C), the battery certainly sounds on paper like it has key advantages.

Heinemann notes that the round-trip efficiency of Enervenue’s newer devices is up at 85%, not far off that of lithium-ion. It is also very safe, he claims. Its customers like its heavy-duty usage profile more than anything though, he says.

“What we’re finding in these customer conversations is that the value proposition that we thought we had, is actually even stronger than we anticipated. So, the customer-perceived value of being able to cycle the battery more than once a day without use case integration, the ability to do a fast charge cycle, followed by a fast or slow dispatch and do that up to three times a day, or really, as often as you want, is highly compelling for customers, especially when combined with essentially zero maintenance costs,” Heinemann says.

Enervenue Common Pressure Vessel, the ‘cell’ of the systems. Image: EnerVenue.

Enervenue’s battery comprises of ‘vessels’ (similar to cells in a lithium battery), each of 1.2kWh and filled with multiple electrode stacks. Vessels are combined together in series or parallel to create storage systems for anything from residential to grid-scale use and anywhere in between, controlled by Enervenue’s own battery management system (BMS).

Currently being made on the company’s semi-automated production line in California, the facility will add a full speed production line of the so-called Common Pressure Vessel by the end of this year and then hopes to build a Gigafactory somewhere in the US Midwest in the near future.

The fact that the battery is fire safe means it could comfortably reach areas where lithium-ion perhaps could not, or where there are concerns over lithium-ion, Heinemann claims.

“The fire safety, as well as the form factor, gives us a huge amount of flexibility in terms of how we can place it both for grid-scale use and then even in commercial and eventually in residential, we believe we’ll be able to be truly building-integrated, which no other battery can do,” the CEO says.

“Meaning, [you can] put our battery in crawlspaces in attics, in high ceiling areas of structures… this is where lithium-ion batteries cannot go due to fire danger concerns and other forms of energy storage can’t go because of maintenance requirements or complexity.”

Pitching a newer battery technology as a competitor to lithium-ion is a bold move, but Enervenue believes that the nickel-hydrogen battery can do everything lithium can, and then some.

Enervenue thinks about its vessel as being similar to a lithium-ion cell, but with bigger energy storage capacity per unit. The 1.2kWh vessels can be “run in series and in parallel as needed to meet the voltage and power characteristics required for grid-scale applications, as well as for distributed generation,” according to Heinemann.

Asked if a lot of the customer interest so far has come from people that might be doing applications more typically associated with lithium-ion, Heinemann agrees. The fact that the Enervenue battery can handle much heavier use and more frequent cycling is the most compelling aspect of the proposition. The economic benefit and value of lithium battery storage is in other words limited by how often you can cycle it without degradation.

“What we offer is a battery that behaves from a power characteristic standpoint, like lithium-ion. However, it has an unlimited lifespan, in practical terms, 30,000 charge/discharge cycles. It’s a battery that will outlast the solar panels, if it’s connected in a hybrid solar installation and it’ll last well beyond the initial offtake period of a particular project.”

Heinemann concedes that lithium-ion batteries will continue to be improved and their lifespan stretched out longer. But, he says, this typically comes at the expense of usage restrictions and other limiting factors. Not to mention also the “complicated systems that keep lithium-ion batteries, fire safe, and minimise the wear and tear and so forth”.

“We don’t need any of that. We can offer the customer the ability to have near-infinite flexibility, with use cases, both now and in the future. And a very, very simple BMS, and a very simple overall system that they need to manage and maintain.

“It’s ideal for any kind of stationary use case, and directly goes after the complexities of things that are hard about lithium-ion for stationary purposes.”

Nickel-hydrogen batteries have been used successfully at the International Space Station. Image: NASA/Boeing.

Cost and value

The achilles heel of many competitor technologies has been cost of production and therefore pricing to customers being higher than lithium, if not over the long-term cost of ownership, then in terms of upfront Capex investment.

Again, Enervenue is claiming to have solved that riddle. Building and manufacturing its systems will be competitive on Capex with lithium-ion, if you take the long-term cost reduction trajectories expected for lithium batteries versus a cost reduction roadmap Enervenue is implementing.

“However, because we’re offering the customer significantly more value, especially for certain use cases, the customer is able to pay, or willing to pay, a premium for that value and they still come out ahead,” Heinemann says.

“In other words, we can get a bit more profit out of it, and the customer can still get a better value proposition, and even at a higher price.”

Operating costs are going to be low as well because the technology was designed to be used in outer space, where it isn’t exactly easy to send technicians out to fix whenever something goes wrong or needs changing. Enervenue’s warranty charge is considerably lower than that of comparable lithium-ion or even other electrochemical technologies like flow batteries.

When you consider that operations and maintenance (O&M) costs over time can represent one-third of a battery system’s levelised cost of storage (LCOS), the ability to “wire it up and forget about it” means Enervenue’s customers again are happy to pay the extra capital cost, the CEO claims.

So how do Enervenue’s customers know this technology will work and that it will say what the company claims it will?

“We’ve done an enormous amount of testing and development, and all of the customers that have signed on with us have come out to meet the team, to see the product, to see what we’re doing,” he says.

“They’ve done incredibly in-depth reviews of the technology. As I’m sure you appreciate, all those sophisticated energy storage customers these days, most of them have been around for years looking at various technologies. They know exactly what to ask and what to push on and they’ve looked at all of that in our case, and it’s come up quite favourable.”

How will it fare amid commodity cost rises and supply chain challenges

Finally, the industry at present is experiencing well-publicised constraints in supply of lithium batteries and price rises in key materials. While non-lithium batteries are sometimes pitched as the alternative to volatile pricing and supply dynamics, there’s no doubt that some readers will have noticed that the Enervenue vessel contains nickel.

So, what might the impact of commodity prices be on the battery’s production and how is it any different to the headwinds buffeting the Li-ion BESS sector?

Heinemann admits that “anything having to do with energy storage is under pressure based on insufficient supply to meet demand,” but within that space, Enervenue is in an advantageous position, he claims.

Based on commodity prices a year or so ago, Enervenue’s bill of materials costs would be similar to lithium-ion, but since then, with factors like the Russian invasion of Ukraine causing massive supply chain shockwaves, the pressure on the lithium-ion battery value chain is much higher than it is for the materials Enervenue needs.

“It’s really a question of how much nickel, and in the quantities of nickel that we need it’s a modest amount. If you compare the quantity of nickel we need and compare it to the quantity of active ingredients in NMC or an LFP lithium-ion [battery] and then look at what’s the price of nickel versus what’s the price of those other components and where is it likely to go over time, we’re in a very favourable position.

“Nickel specifically is the fifth most abundant element on Earth, the 22nd most abundant in the Earth’s crust, and all the supply analysts we speak with believe that nickel will behave much like polysilicon did in the solar wave, where it rapidly adjusts to the inherent price as mining capacity ramps up.

“It’s available on every continent in the world, so it lacks the geographical constraints of some other battery type materials and it definitely has the abundance necessary.”

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Australian superannuation fund invests in pumped hydro and flow battery project company

Broken Hill solar PV plant in New South Wales, completed in 2016, was invested in by Aware Super, then known as First State Super. Image: AGL Energy.

Aware Super, a major institutional investor for pension funds in Australia, has identified a “significant strategic opportunity” to invest in an early-stage energy storage project developer.

The superannuation fund manages around A$155 billion (US$104.06 billion) of savings for a million customers around the country, having rebranded to its present name in 2020 from First State Super, following mergers with two other such funds.

The company said in a press release sent to that it has made a so-called cornerstone investment in North Harbour Clean Energy (NHCE), a new company which aims to develop, own and operate closed-loop pumped hydro energy storage (PHES) and vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB) stationary storage projects.

An Aware Super representative said terms or financial value of the equity investment would not be disclosed. However, Aware Super believes the investment will give it a foothold in the Australian energy transition economy, offering strong long-term returns for its member-investors as well as having a positive impact on society.

The superannuation fund’s portfolio manager Mark Hector said that in addition to providing NHCE with early working capital, Aware Super recognised “a significant strategic opportunity to fund larger equity capital into future successful development projects”.

NHCE claims to approach the PHES space a little differently than many other developers, targeting mid-size projects at or near to major loads, rather than the types of multi-gigawatt-hour facilities more commonly seen around the world. This minimises the cost of delivered electricity and makes use of brownfield sites with existing power and logistical infrastructure, according to the developer.

Meanwhile it is partnered with the University of New South Wales (UNSW), the institution at which the vanadium flow battery was invented in the 1970s and 1980s.

With flow batteries, NHCE will target the commercial and industrial (C&I) energy storage market.

“We know electrifying the Australian economy needs to mean more than simply replacing domestic energy generation with renewables. Declining sources of carbon-intensive dispatchable power, driven by the move to decarbonise electricity generation is the key issue in the electricity market, and is now an increasing part of the discussion,” NHCE managing director Tony Schultz said.

“Pumped hydro in particular can play a significant role in closing that capacity gap, and we’re very enthusiastic about the opportunities that our project portfolio has the potential to unlock.”

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Wärtsilä delivering 2GWh battery storage for Clearway Hawaii and California solar plants

The Mililani solar-plus-storage project in Hawaii which will be finalised in 2022. Image: Clearway Energy Group/Wärtsilä

Energy technology company Wärtsilä is supplying 500MW/2,000MWh of battery energy storage systems (BESS) to PV projects operated by Clearway Energy Group in Hawaii and California, US.

The contracts cover three sites in California and two in Hawaii, all being operated or developed by renewable energy developer Clearway. The projects are all four-hour systems at different stages of development, with two set to come online this year.

Wärtsilä will supply its GridSolv Quantum BESS solution which will be controlled by its energy management system (EMS), the GEMS Digital Energy Platform. Gridsolv uses lithium iron phosphate (LFP) batteries.

In California, Wärtsilä has started construction on BESS units totalling 275MW/1.1GWh to adjoin the Daggett 2 and Daggett 3 projects in San Bernadino, California. The two total 482MWac of PV and are adjacent to the site of a retired coal and natural gas plant. The orders were booked in Q3/Q4 2021 and will be completed in 2023.

“We’re very proud of these deals and our relationship with Clearway, which has recently chosen us for their largest projects,” Wärtsilä’s VP energy storage and optimisation Andy Tang told

“The California projects will be doing load shifting through merchant market participation and resource adequacy (RA),” he added.

Resource adequacy is the framework through which the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) ensures there is enough supply of electricity to meet demand, with an extra reserve margin. It is the main way BESS projects in the state garner revenues and has driven four-hour durations to become the market standard.

Construction began on the Daggett solar-plus-storage projects in November last year but it is only now that Wärtsilä has been revealed as the BESS solution provider. The two projects together have been described as California’s hybrid renewables-plus-storage project by Clearway.

The third California project Wärtsilä is delivering is adjoining an already-operational solar PV farm, the 192 MWac Rosamond Central facility in Kern County, California. The order for 147MW/588MWh of energy storage has been booked to Wärtsilä’s order intake for July and construction is expected to be completed in December 2023.

In Hawaii, Wärtsilä is set to finalise construction this year on two projects totalling 75MW/300MWh of energy storage to be installed at Clearway’s ‘Mililani I Solar’ and ‘Waiawa Solar Power’ project developments. Completion of the solar PV, totalling 75MWac, is also expected this year. Once complete, Clearway will have five solar projects totaling 185 MW in the island state.

Tang told that the Hawaii storage projects are purely doing solar load shifting. Hawaii is aiming for 100% renewables by 2045.

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Syncarpha, Rosemawr Partner on Financing for New England Solar Projects

Source: Syncarpha Capital

Syncarpha Capital LLC, a fully integrated developer, owner, and operator of community solar, distributed generation solar, and solar plus storage projects, and Rosemawr Sustainable Infrastructure Management, the sustainable infrastructure investment arm of Rosemawr Management, are working together on an initial $100 million financing partnership to deploy solar and solar plus storage projects in Massachusetts and elsewhere in New England.

“The deployment of shared community solar and energy storage infrastructure creates benefits for the power infrastructure and communities in the region, delivering long-term power savings to our customers and critical support to the grid through the implementation of energy storage,” states Cliff Chapman, CEO at Syncarpha. “We are excited to be working with Rosemawr in this endeavor, and we appreciate the flexibility and creativity that their financing solution provides.”

“Syncarpha is a longstanding, proven project developer, sponsor, and operator with industry-leading expertise in shared community solar projects, including customer acquisition and management,” states Josh Herlands, managing partner at Rosemawr Sustainable Infrastructure Management. “We are excited to help bring this portfolio to fruition as we continue to execute on our sustainable infrastructure investment deployment strategy with best in-class development and operating partners such as Syncarpha.”

Syncarpha develops, acquires, finances, owns and operates distributed generation solar, community solar and solar plus storage projects across North America. Partnering with developers, installers, engineers and EPC contractors, and working closely with its customers, Syncarpha designs and builds on-site solar systems for municipalities, utilities and businesses – as well as developing community shared solar solutions for consumers and commercial customers. Syncarpha currently operates over 150 MW of ground mounted and rooftop solar assets in 10 different states. In February 2022, Syncarpha completed a sale of equity to Pacolet Milliken LLC, its third-party capital partner, which resulted in Pacolet becoming the largest shareholder of Syncarpha.

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Investments in energy storage can fix our broken power grid and drive the clean energy transition

Modern grids need to be reliable as well as low carbon. That’s where energy storage steps in. Image: Wikimedia user Loadmaster (David R Tribble).

The February 2021 energy crisis in Texas was yet another stark reminder of just how broken our national power grid is and how difficult the energy transition will be. The shift to renewable energy will come with unintended consequences such as price spikes from less mining and drilling, or times when the wind doesn’t blow.

Battery storage is the most obvious medium-term solution to help immediately stabilise the grid and act as a catalyst to help enable greater penetration of intermittent renewables generation, writes Andrew Waranch, founder, CEO and president of Spearmint Energy.

Institutional capital and public sentiment, which has finally started to focus on the climate crisis, can help by directing attention and thoughtfully targeted investment to our urgent energy infrastructure needs. We are at a tipping point when it comes to capital investment and energy solutions, Waranch says.

The tipping point

When the Texas power grid froze in February of 2021 after an unprecedented surge of severe winter storms battered the state, it provided yet another example of what experts already knew: our national power grid is broken and in dangerous need of investment.

Not only that, but if we are going to successfully reach the objectives of the Paris Climate accord to achieve Net Zero by 2050, or transition to a clean energy economy, it will require massive investment in our energy infrastructure to get us there.

Over the past three years, pension funds – European in particular, driven by programs such as the European Sustainable Finance Directive – and other ESG-focused institutional investors have set a new, accelerated standard for large allocations into the climate and clean energy space.

Looking at the power markets specifically, through a combination of tax incentive programmess, Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS), and new policies, investors on the upstream and consumers on the downstream are calling for a sea change – an evolution of the electricity market as we know it.

Society has reached a tipping point where not only these institutions, but also the public at large, realise the reality and urgency of the climate crisis and are finally willing to take actionable steps to impart real change.

And yet, while clean energy investments are increasingly seen as a profit opportunity, very little attention has been paid to what needs to happen to ensure that the renewable energy grid will work.

Unfortunately, while we see capital flows into both debt and equity within power markets, almost none of this capital is currently leveraged for trading and energy offtake, creating a gaping void within the market.

That void is a problem because, without effective energy trading and storage strategies, financing projects will not be efficient and will fail to scale at the rate needed to combat the climate crisis in the time we have left.

We don’t all want to be left stranded, as Texas was in the winter of 2021.

The energy transition problem

The most well-known renewable power sources – wind and solar – provide intermittent generation, given that the wind doesn’t always blow, and clouds can at times block the sun. On their own, the instability of solar and wind creates significant reliability challenges for the grid.

Drawing on lessons learned from the years-long overnight wind congestion in Texas to the continued worsening of solar ramp issues in California, it has become painfully clear that excessive, rapid renewable buildout leads to unintended consequences.

The power grid was not designed to handle the large day-to-day, or even second-to-second, swings in intermittent generation. As a result, batteries will be required to smooth out the energy flow and ensure a safe and robust grid.

Looking ahead to the next 10 years and the continuing surge of renewables on the horizon, it’s easy to see the parts of the grid where we will have repeats of these problems across the US.

Reflecting on Texas, of course, the State’s energy grid today is very far from fully renewable. And that is precisely the point.

The state could see unsafe decreases in solar power of over 20,000MW or 30% of total supply during sunset if its solar queue is fully built out.

This evolution, combined with thermal retirements, current and potential increasing regional carbon prices, and incredible load growth, add significant uncertainty and volatility to the markets.

So, how do we solve these problems that are not only persisting but worsening? We launched Spearmint Energy because we believe battery energy storage can do just that.

Despite lithium-based batteries being used since the late 1980s, we believe that there is a newly emerging opportunity today for a few reasons. Prior to 2019, the price of lithium-based storage was too high to be economical, and regional and Independent System Operator (ISO) policies did not offer the right mix of revenue streams to incentivise large projects.

Banks were hesitant to support construction without utility offtake, and the traditional RFP process was and continues to be painfully slow, politically charged, and very costly for those that don’t receive an award.

Today, however, given evolving policy changes, including programs such as Massachusetts Clean Peak, batteries are financially viable in several regions of the US, and we expect that within five years, most of the country will be in the same place.

Standalone storage and batteries added to new or refreshed wind and solar projects will all be pieces of the puzzle. In fact, research services forecasts show that for energy transition scenarios where we successfully achieve Net Zero, we will need up to 750,000MWh of storage, vs the 6,000MWh installed today.

There’s no doubt in our minds that the minimum amount of required storage will need to match the pace of solar growth and will be determined by both investment and carbon policies.

San Francisco City Hall lit up green to celebrate the Paris Agreement. The hard work to deliver on those promises is ongoing. Image: wikimedia user Dana L Brown.

The solution

Several developers across the country are creating unique solutions to drive the clean energy transition. We’ve seen some developers working on microgrids that combine local renewable generation with storage to allow specific businesses or infrastructure with a private, reliable way to exclude themselves from the public grid, while others are using bitcoin miners to reduce load during peak periods as a new source of ancillary services.

Additionally, focus has been given to large-scale transmission projects to open our grid to new supply from Canadian hydro or more desert solar, as well as to new software to combine millions of future electric vehicles to act together to balance the system.

The good news is that there is plenty of energy transition activity underway already, but more needs to be done. We need not only focus only on reducing carbon and making the grid more efficient, but also to do so in a responsible, collaborative manner that considers the communities where we operate, our employees, and other stakeholders, and the objectives of the Paris Climate accord to achieve Net Zero by 2050.

The vast majority of capital flowing into clean energy hopes to solve the climate crisis by building more generation. Additionally, individual consumers and corporations have a strong, increasing desire to purchase clean energy.

But someone needs to be in the middle – someone who can both help mitigate price risk for asset owners and customers. And investors can play their part too, by providing the capital required for offtake strategies.

Through research-driven investing that targets projects located in the best places for the grid, as opposed to the easiest-to-find spots, we can seek to identify specific locations where storage is most needed.

Then, by building projects and trades around the batteries, we can serve as a catalyst that opens bottlenecks on the grid to enable faster, larger renewables buildout, improve overall grid resiliency, and enhance financial returns on storage projects helping asset owners achieve higher and more stable returns.

Furthermore, by providing tolling solutions for developers via renting the battery facility, we can expedite the process and allow those building storage facilities to achieve lower borrowing costs. While this practice has been commonplace in solar and wind for many years, batteries have not participated in the trend. They are a new, far more complicated asset, and require more involved participation.  

Projects need a creditworthy offtake agreement, and we believe with time, will also require these agreements be executed with a climate-focused counterparty that doesn’t have exposure to coal and oil.

With this in mind, and in an effort to trade and provide end-to-end around the clock, clean solutions to the market, we must seek to provide traditional offtake for solar and wind generators as well to combine with storage positions.

Looking ahead in the energy transition

Over two dozen firms are building utility-scale storage based on current state and public ISO interconnection queues, and yet we need many more to join the revolution. Each state, down to the county and even town level, will require targeted batteries to solve local problems.

Beyond California and Texas as the immediate targets, we must, as a public, identify where to build for tomorrow and for decades to come.

As we move into this next phase of renewable energy buildout within the power markets, we can and should empower one another to do so in a manner that helps to reduce carbon emissions while making smart investment decisions.

About the Author

Andrew Waranch is the founder, President, and CEO of Spearmint Energy, a renewable energy company comprised of three distinct strategies, including battery and solar project development, energy storage offtake, and renewables power trading.  Andrew has over 25 years of experience in the electricity power markets as a researcher, trader, and portfolio manager at several energy trading firms.

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Boviet Solar, Origis Energy Sign 700 MW Supply Deal for PV Modules

Boviet Solar’s Vega Series

Boviet Solar Technology Co. Ltd., a global solar energy technology company specializing in manufacturing of PERC PV cells, monofacial and bifacial PV modules, has signed a master supply agreement for more than 700 MW of solar capacity with Origis Energy, a solar and energy storage developer.

Origis Energy will utilize Boviet Solar’s Vega Series 550W PERC monocrystalline – bifacial double-glass PV modules for U.S utility scale solar projects. Delivery of the PV modules is slated for 2023.

“Boviet Solar has a clear understanding of the solar energy marketplace in which we operate,” says Samir Verstyn, chief investment officer and COO at Origis Energy. “The Boviet solar technology allows Origis to achieve important productivity and cost objectives across our portfolio.” 

“We are proud to have reached this significant milestone through the supply agreement with Origis Energy,” states Jimmy Xie, general manager of Boviet Solar. “Boviet Solar’s strong momentum in the U.S solar industry is a direct result of our company’s dedication to business stability, Tier 1 bankability, technology know-how, manufacturing excellence, supply chain transparency and top-performing technology known for its power, performance and quality. We are honored by Origis Energy’s trust in us, our organization and our products.”

PERC, half-cut, multi-busbar and large-cell designs enables Boviet Solar’s Gamma Series Monofacial and Vega Series Bifacial PV modules to pack more power per module, capture more photons, produce more energy, and provide reliable, dependable system performance under different installations requirements, difficult weather or environments conditions.

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