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In a new request for proposals (RFP), Dominion Energy Virginia (DEV) is soliciting proposals for the acquisition of up to 1,200 MW of new solar and onshore wind development assets, as well as approximately 125 MW of energy storage. A separate RFP seeking proposals for power purchase agreements (PPA) will be issued on September 1, 2022.

Acquisition of the projects will support the company’s projected customer load as outlined in the company’s 2021 update to the 2020 Integrated Resource Plan. The projects will also help the company achieve the goals of the Virginia Clean Economy Act (VCEA) and the company’s commitment to net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Different from past annual RFPs, the company will now accept acquisition proposals on a continuous basis throughout the year. The new process will provide greater flexibility and transparency for the development community and maximize the company’s ability to procure the best clean energy resources for its customers.

The company is interested in proposals for five categories of new development assets, including photovoltaic (PV) solar nameplate capacity, PV solar generation paired with energy storage nameplate capacity, onshore wind nameplate capacity, onshore wind paired with energy storage nameplate capacity, and stand-alone energy storage nameplate capacity.

For solar proposals, the company is seeking both utility-scale projects that are greater than 3 MW, as well as distributed projects that are 3 MW or less. For all proposals, the company will only consider facilities located in Virginia. Specifically, for distributed projects that are 3 MW or less, the facilities must be located within DEV’s service territory where there are location grid benefits to DEV customers.

Read more details on registering for the RFP here.