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Agilitas Energy has reached milestones for two Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) projects in its pipeline. The company has completed the construction of its largest utility-scale, coupled solar PV and battery energy storage system in Auburn, Mass. Now in commercial operation, the project consists of a 7.3 MW direct current (DC) solar array and a 3.6 MW/9.5 MWh energy storage system. Several hundred organizations have signed long-term power purchase agreements that guarantee energy savings for the next two decades.

Agilitas Energy has also acquired a construction-ready, front-of-the-meter PV and energy storage project in Hopkinton that will serve Eversource with a 5.8 MW DC solar array and 4 MW/9 MWh of storage capacity. As part of the project, Agilitas Energy will set aside more than 45 acres of open space for permanent conservation, and will donate more than $10,000 for the construction of a parking area to support access to the trail network on site.

Located in Auburn and Hopkinton, both projects are classified as Community Solar Programs; they will participate in ISO-New England markets, and generate Massachusetts Clean Peak Certificates.

“Programs like SMART make a noticeable difference in empowering cost-effective solar development, and we’re confident these projects will help bring predictable, low-cost, clean energy to the communities that need it – other states should look to replicate what Massachusetts has done,” says Barrett Bilotta, president of Agilitas Energy. “Along those lines, we’re proud of the solar and storage projects we’ve built in our home state and across New England, and with our recent capital raise, we’re looking to replicate our success with utilities and municipalities throughout the U.S.”

The company recently raised $350 million of equity in a two-tiered investment from CarVal Investors L.P., financing that will fund a national build-out of Agilitas Energy’s pipeline of renewable energy and battery storage systems. Agilitas Energy is actively constructing or developing several other coupled solar PV and energy storage projects under the SMART program in various towns across the Commonwealth.