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india webinar 22 probid energy proudly presents this sponsored webinar with Clean Horizon, discussing the prime potential of India’s energy storage market, which has only just begun its story.

The Indian government is putting strong efforts into developing the energy storage sector, recognising its vital role in supporting the country’s transition to greener electricity. The framework of a very promising market and more than 100GWh of potential opportunities are coming into place in this decade.

Speakers in this webinar:

Dr Rahul Walawalkar, of Customized Energy Solutions, speaking in his capacity as founder and president of India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA), presents an overview of the drivers and activity underway in India’s energy storage market.

Dr Bharath Reddy of the Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) offers insights into the business models that are being developed, learning through deployments as well as studies. Dr Reddy discusses SECI’s pilot 1,000MWh standalone energy storage tender and many other developments.

Rachel Loquet from consultancy Clean Horizon presents some of the findings of her comprehensive work, crunching the numbers and modelling how India’s tenders for energy storage that are taking shape will work.

Our webinar includes three short presentations from the speakers, followed by a Q&A discussion.

View the video below:

You can also register to receive presentation materials and view the session again on-demand here.