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Clean Horizon BESS procurement webinar landing page jun24 probid energy

Clean Horizon, an energy storage consultancy that supports developers and investors in the procurement of energy storage solutions, shares views on the current trends in equipment prices and technological advances observed, as well as on the procurement strategies that can be applied in order to achieve lowest costs with acceptable performances and minimum effort.

In terms of evolution of Li-ion battery prices, Clean Horizon presents the recent downward evolution of system prices, the record low prices offered by suppliers over the last months, and the possible evolution of battery prices for next year.

This downward trend is also pushed by the evolution of equipment design and especially the increase in the energy density of off-the-shelf solutions. Clean Horizon details the latest trends, the associated observed performances, and the impact such changes are having on project profitability.

We then examine the current procurement strategies and their advantages and drawbacks in the current context of low battery costs.


  • Samuel Portebos, partner and vice president of engineering and Clean Horizon
  • Naim El Chami, lead analyst, Clean Horizon
  • Salomé Perperot, junior analyst, Clean Horizon

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