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Screenshot 2023 03 22 at 10.33.23 probid energy

The prices for successful bids ranged between €0.0678/kWh (US$0.073/kWh) and €0.0917/kWh and the average volume-weighted price was €0.0833/kWh, which the Bundesnetzagentur said was “well below” the maximum tendered price.

The auction sought solar-plus-storage projects on arable grasslands, with different criteria offered for different states. Bavaria was awarded the most capacity by far, with 245MW across 24 projects. Next closest was Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania with four projects for 79MW and Schleswig-Holstein with five projects for 73MW.

The October 2023 iteration of the innovation auction was oversubscribed and awarded 408MW of solar-plus-storage capacity.

At the same time, the government announced the results of its latest onshore wind auction, where over 2.3GW of capacity was awarded, which it said “set a new record”.

To read the full version of this story, visit PV Tech.