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Erthos Inc., an energy technology company focused on utility-scale solar, has begun commercial operations for four more Earth Mount Solar PV projects in California. Developed by White Pine Renewables, the projects were acquired by Directional Services Inc. and built by OneSun Power Inc. Energy from the plants will be purchased under power purchase agreements by Teapot Dome Water District and Olam Food Ingredients.

Earth Mount Solar power plants are built without steel mounting systems, such as trackers, and are instead built by placing solar modules directly on the earth. With this method of installation, Erthos plants produce more than twice as much energy on the same area of land at a significantly reduced price per unit of energy.

“Erthos technology is truly a step forward in solar technology innovation,” says Michael Kremer, managing partner and co-founder at White Pine Renewables. “By executing on the Olam Food portfolio, Erthos has demonstrated an ability to turn projects that would not have worked with a conventional racking solution into viable assets using its innovative technology. White Pine has been proud to partner with Erthos over the past two years to ensure that we deliver for our customers – even in the most challenging circumstances.”

“This marks another stage in our rapid market adoption,” comments Jim Tyler, CEO of Erthos. “As with our first deployment a year ago, with these new projects online, we are seeing immediate and continued validation of our plant performance. Energy production, thermal performance, and the efficacy of the ErthBot cleaning robot are all supported by the data coming in from these plants.”

Erthos expects to have over 40 MW of additional projects under contract by the end of the year and is actively helping developers assess the benefits of Earth Mount Solar PV on over four GW of project pipeline.