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Mobile battery storage rental company Greener Power Solutions plans to diversify its supply base away from Alfen and has already bought a unit from Northvolt.

The Netherlands-based company recently raised €45 million (US$45.98 million) from DIF Capital Partners, as reported by, to expand its service offering, strengthen in its home market and expand internationally.

It is active in the Netherlands, UK, Belgium and Switzerland, the company told

Its business model currently centres around buying Alfen’s mobile energy storage system (ESS) units (TheBattery Mobile) and adding value through the delivery and service provided to rental customers looking to replace diesel generators.

“We want the customer to have the same experience as it would have had with a genset, but now a more sustainable choice,” a spokesperson said.

It currently only uses Alfen’s product but has plans to expand to other suppliers and has already tested the waters, as they explained: “We will definitely expand. We already bought one unit from Northvolt, to test if this one also satisfies our high demands for the systems in the very diverse market.”

Northvolt is the European battery gigafactory company which has raised over US$8 billion.

Greener Power also explained that its software can control renewable generation resources integrated with the mobile ESS unit which further allows customers to decarbonise their operations.

“We can control solar, wind and hydrogen. We foresee that we will have a solar array that can be curtailed in the moments the battery is full. We will add a kite power system, so that we can also charge our battery when there is no sun. And for the moments that there is no sun nor wind, we can then use the hydrogen generator. At this point in time there is no good (big enough system) hydrogen generator for our use cases, so we use a temporary diesel generator instead,” the spokesperson said.  

In 2019, Greener Power Solutions co-founder Dieter Castelein wrote a case study article for our quarterly technical journal PV Tech Power, looking at how mobile battery storage can reduce downtime during grid maintenance operations.