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DSD Renewables and T-Mobile entered into a partnership to develop and construct three community solar projects, as the cell carrier works to make progress toward its RE100 commitment to power its entire business with 100% renewable electricity.

The projects, which total 17MW and are all located in New York, will be built in the towns of Richland (2.63MW), Aldrich (6.95MW) and Silver Creek (7.5MW). The Richland site is operational, with the two other sites expected to be operational in Q1 2022.

The partnership between DSD and T-Mobile arose via the issuance of a T-Mobile request for proposals (RFP). NRG served as the RFP consultant for T-Mobile, which selected DSD on the strength of its community solar portfolio. DSD will be the long-term owner of the projects. The partnership between DSD and T-Mobile is expected to continue, with plans for T-Mobile to serve as an offtaker for additional projects currently under development with DSD.

What has not yet been shared is who the other offtakers of these community solar projects will be. If the projects are receiving funding under the New York State Research and Development Authority’s NY-Sun program for community solar projects, they have to reserve a portion of their capacity to serve low- and moderate income New Yorkers.

Community solar represents more than 90% of New York’s 2.7 GW two-year pipeline of projects under development that have been awarded NY-Sun incentives, comprising more than 800 projects.

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