Pacific Northwest National Lab makes license available for vanadium flow battery technology

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’s Battery Reliability Laboratory. Image: Andrea Starr | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

The US Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL) has made a third semi-exclusive commercial licence for vanadium redox flow battery technology available.

The national laboratory has already partnered with two companies for the long-duration storage technology and this third licence is its final one for vanadium redox, PNNL said.

In addition to the commercial licence, PNNL has also developed a high-performance mixed-acid electrolyte compatible with vanadium redox batteries which it says can store more energy than many other technologies over a range of temperatures. The electrolyte is available on a non-exclusive basis.

“This emerging grid-scale storage technology has great commercial and energy security potential. We are eager to partner with additional industry partners to bring this technology to market and to support expanded use of renewable energies on the grid,” said Allan Tuan, commercialisation manager for energy, grid and advanced fuel research at PNNL.

In an interview last year with our quarterly journal PV Tech Power, Prof Maria Skyllas-Kazacos, one of the inventors of the vanadium flow battery nearly 40 years ago at the University of New South Wales in Australia talked about how the patents expired for key aspects of the technology from 2006.

This opened up the opportunity for companies and research groups to get involved, Prof Skyllas-Kazacos said, but it took a while longer for the wider energy sector to take an interest in its long-duration storage potential.

“It took quite a long time, but once they started observing huge issues with grid stability, they realised the grid isn’t so good at stabilising all these renewable energies,” Skyllas-Kazacos said.

“People have realised that for the sort of energy storage we need for renewables, you really need long duration. And that’s why flow batteries have been attracting a lot of attention.”

The US government has identified long-duration storage as a key pillar in its move to de-carbonise its energy sector with the Secretary of Energy tweeting that flow batteries are “good for grid storage”. Over the past year, it has announced nearly US$100 million in funding for long-duration energy storage research and support.

US$17.9 million went to four flow battery manufacturing research & development (R&D) projects, while US$75 million is being spent on a long-duration energy storage research centre at PNNL, expected to open in 2025.

The UK government has dedicated £68 million (US$90 million) to long-duration storage through a competitive funding opportunity, making the first £6.7 million of awards public last week, with funding going to 24 separate projects across a range of technologies.

In Europe meanwhile a group of national and continental trade associations recently urged the European Union to support long-duration storage in the European Green Deal package.

California’s state government recently announced US$380 million in support for long-duration energy storage projects across two years, the biggest example of such funding to date.

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‘A queue of investors’ for long-duration energy storage, but regulation is needed

The Energy Storage Summit ran over 22-23 February in London. Image: Solar Media.

The implementation of regulative security is all that is needed to bring in investment for long-duration energy storage (LDES), according to The Future of Long Duration panel at last week’s Energy Storage Summit 2022 in London.

What the best form of regulation is to incentivise storage however is still up in the air, with the conversation quickly turning to the potential of a cap and floor mechanism at the event, hosted by our publisher Solar Media.

Mark Wilson, CEO of developer Intelligent Land Investments Group (ILI Group) said: “We’ve been talking to the government for a few years, [together with] Drax and others, and if the cap and floor is put in place, similar to what interconnectors have from UK to Europe, then these projects will happen straight away. I’ve got a queue of investors globally lined up, ready to build our projects.”

The suggestion follows a recent report from Aurora Energy Research, which found that a cap and floor mechanism would be best positioned to support the deployment of long-duration storage in the UK, although it would not incentivise effective dispatch and additional reforms would still be required to incentivise investment.

Alan Greenshields, director for EMEA region at iron flow battery manufacturer ESS Inc. suggested an alternative form of the cap and floor mechanism, one without the cap. The goal, he said was to make technologies so “outrageously profitable that private capital pours into them”.

“If you can do that, then it no longer becomes a task of government, it becomes a task for the private sector, with companies deploying capital to actually build these assets. So I think the thing is to encourage the innovation with the clear goal of getting to a cost point. If you can’t get to a cost point, don’t try.”

An alternative to the cap and mechanism could be a tax credit system, Todd Mooney CFO of Enlighten Innovations Inc. suggested, pointing to their success driving the deployment of renewables in the United States. Enlighten makes a novel ‘Sodium (Na) Super Ionic Conductor’ membrane technology which can be used for electrochemical energy storage at long-durations, which is low cost, sustainable, safe and scalable, the company claims.

“They even survived the Trump administration, there was more renewable energy generated, renewable projects constructed and built during the Trump administration than in the preceding four years in the Obama administration, even though Trump hated renewables. And so that, to me, says there’s a really good policy mechanism that can be used to accelerate long-duration energy storage,” said Mooney.

There was general agreement amongst the panel of the viability of long-duration technologies in the long run, once they get over an innovation hurdle. One thing that is currently a challenge for reaching this point is the variety of technologies currently available.

As Georgina Morris, innovation programme manager from the UK government’s Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) said in her presentation Energy Storage Innovation – Longer Duration Energy Storage, just ahead of the panel: “The key question, what is longer duration energy storage, that [is something] no one has yet agreed or defined.”

Morris’ presentation set out the recently announced financial support for 24 storage projects split into two streams and made up of power-to-x, thermal and electrical projects announced by BEIS on 23 February.

Following on from this initial phase demonstration and development, around six projects will be taken forwards towards commercialisation, said Morris.

The range of technologies may make some funding models challenging, but it is broadly a positive, said Wilson, as there is “no silver bullet”. Instead a host of technologies will be needed.

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Strong Supply Chain Needed for U.S.’ Clean Energy Transition, DOE States

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has published “America’s Strategy to Secure the Supply Chain for a Robust Clean Energy Transition,” a comprehensive U.S. government plan to build an “energy sector industrial base.”

The strategy examines technologies and crosscutting topics for analysis in response to Executive Order 14017 on America’s Supply Chains and is part of a whole of government approach to chart a course for revitalizing the U.S. economy and domestic manufacturing by securing the country’s most critical supply chains.

The energy sector has undergone significant changes, including rapid cost reduction and increased deployment of solar and wind energy, and significant digitization of and strain on the U.S. electric grid.

In the decades to come, the energy sector will evolve at an accelerated pace reflecting continued innovation, investment trends in private capital markets, and the urgent need to combat global climate change. Demand for clean energy is projected to increase dramatically as the U.S. works toward the nation’s climate goals to cut emissions in half by 2030, create an emissions-free power sector by 2035, and achieve net zero emissions economy-wide by no later than 2050.

DOE recognizes that a secure, resilient energy supply chain will be critical in achieving these goals and capturing the economic opportunity inherent in the energy transition. In addition to the comprehensive strategy report, DOE developed 13 deep-dive assessments on specific technologies and crosscutting topics conducted by researchers from DOE and several of its national laboratories, in consultation with energy sector stakeholders.

Land-based wind turbines: Addressing logistical needs

Land-based wind components are approaching or over road and rail size limits, meaning the number of routes by which components can be transported from ports or factories to deployment sites is decreasing over time.

Permit requirements for transporting such large components vary significantly across state and even county lines, and large components moving from manufacturing to deployment sites may cross multiple states and dozens of counties. As wind components get larger and wind deployment increases, remaining routes are likely to become increasingly congested, and complying with disparate permit requirements more difficult and costly – unless addressed with smart policy interventions.

Offshore wind turbines: Upgrading port and vessel infrastructure

Offshore wind development requires specialized port infrastructure and Jones Act-compliant specialized maritime vessels. The business case for such investments is challenged by lack of certainty in near-term offshore wind demand; uncertainty in demand is exacerbated by the lack of specialized vessels and port infrastructure.

Without strong policy interventions, the lack of sufficient specialized port infrastructure and vessels could create significant bottlenecks as offshore wind installations ramp up through this decade and pose a risk both to achieving the 30 GW by 2030 offshore wind deployment goal and to broader supply chain development.

Building a solar supply chain not dependent on China

The global demand for solar PV is anticipated to explode in the coming years as countries race to meet their climate goals. With the right combination of targeted policies and incentives, the solar PV industry could respond rapidly at home and across the globe to diversify the global solar supply chain and reduce reliance on China.

Significant financial support and incentives from the U.S. government could lead to the reestablishment of a strong domestic solar manufacturing sector. In developing a strategy for diversifying global solar PV supply chains and increasing global production, the U.S. Government has an opportunity to prioritize full utilization of existing U.S. capacity, reshore domestic production, and expand opportunities abroad with allies and partner countries. About $8 billion of investment in domestic supply chain facilities is needed to meet an anticipated domestic demand of 40 GW DC per year by 2030.10 DOE estimates indicate with manufacturing incentives domestic solar production capacity could reach 10 GWdc in two years, 15 GWdc within three years, and meet the current domestic demand of 25 GW DC in five years.

Read the full report here.

Image: Photo by Jeremy Bezanger on Unsplash

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Cohoes Innovates with Municipally Owned Floating Solar Inspired by NREL Report

No U.S. cities have done anything like what Cohoes, N.Y. was proposing: a floating solar installation owned and operated by the municipality – but there was no reason it would not work. Two city employees of Cohoes, N.Y. were brainstorming how to power the city’s municipal buildings with renewable energy, but few options made sense. Cohoes does not have acres of unused land for solar panels, and the slate-topped buildings cannot hold rooftop solar. Moreover, with its high amount of low- and moderate-income (LMI) residents, 17,000-person Cohoes was not swimming in cash. The solution had to be something local – something to keep cost savings within the community.

“We looked at every aspect of how to add clean energy to our working-class community,” says Theresa Bourgeois, director of operations for the city of Cohoes. “Then my colleague came upon the idea of floating solar. We considered our 10-acre water reservoir and asked, ‘Can we really utilize this?’ The more we researched, we realized yes, we can! In fact, it’s the best possible answer.”

Bourgeois and City Planner Joe Seman-Graves did their research and learned that the technology of floating solar is sound and that their reservoir could hold enough panels to power all Cohoes-owned buildings and streetlights – erasing around $500,000 in annual electricity costs – with 40% of the generated electricity remaining for civic use. Everything about the project lined up, but at a cost of $6 million, Cohoes needed buy-in from others.

Such clean energy investments are especially challenging for small and LMI cities because municipalities cannot access the same tax incentives as private companies when developing renewable energy. Instead, the city would need to make the case for state, federal and foundation funding; for that, they found their pitch in a 2018 National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) report.

The NREL report that Bourgeois discovered was “Floating Photovoltaic Systems: Assessing the Technical Potential of Photovoltaic Systems on Man-Made Water Bodies in the Continental United States.” It provides coarse yet comprehensive data about potential U.S. “floatovoltaic” sites, including each reservoir’s estimated size, proximity to electric transmission, ownership status and current use. For Bourgeois and Seman-Graves, NREL’s data set was the missing link.

“NREL’s study gave us confidence and credibility in the power of this idea, that we could generate clean energy in Cohoes,” Bourgeois says. “We used the basic results in that study to provide information to Congress, to our representatives, to the public, showing that we have a viable option. It really drove our success in building support for the project.”

The report portrays floatovoltaics as a large, unexplored opportunity for renewable energy. NREL found that if even a portion of the most suitable reservoirs were covered, floating solar could generate almost 10% of national electricity. That includes almost 25,000 human-made water bodies unused for recreation, mine tailings, and fish and wildlife.

In one instance, the report was invaluable when Cohoes first ran the idea by New York state agency officials. Bourgeois and Seman-Graves referenced the number of possible reservoirs that could support floating solar – 492 in New York – to substantiate that not only are floatovoltaics viable, but that Cohoes could be at the forefront of a replicable model worth pursuing and funding. It was a strong enough case to win Cohoes some preliminary support.

Cohoes had similar success when running the idea by elected officials. NREL’s data identifies a value proposition for renewable energy that appealed to state and federal representatives alike, with the latter advocating to fund about 50% or more of project costs.

NREL also found that many of the suitable reservoirs are in water-stressed areas with expensive land and electricity – these areas could find a shortcut to solar power with floatovoltaics. But for Cohoes, one statistic was missing in the data: What about floating solar’s proximity to low-income communities? If the technology is such a practical option, how many other communities can use their own down-the-road reservoir for clean energy?

As the Cohoes Municipal Floating Solar Demonstration project becomes a model for municipal ownership and small-city sustainability, the city is using NREL’s data to share resources, educate and advocate for environmental justice in related clean energy projects around the state, region, and country.

While pitching the project, Bourgeois wondered whether NREL’s data could be even more impactful; a visualization that breaks the data into congressional districts and economic factors might sum all 7,000 words up in a few seconds to show the economic imperative for Cohoes. Bourgeois connected with NREL and learned that no such visuals were planned, but the authors would happily provide input; so, Bourgeois teamed with nearby Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, sending NREL’s paper to Rensselaer’s Institute for Data Exploration and Applications (IDEA) where students and faculty engage with data of imminent societal importance.

The request was shared with John Erickson, director of research operations at IDEA, who is drawn to visualizing economic and technical data. His first goal was to visualize NREL’s data overlaid with LMI maps. He collaborated with Bourgeois and Seman-Graves to create the Floating Solar Explorer. The exploration tool is available online and includes a map of all the suitable reservoirs identified by NREL, as well as congressional district-scale LMI information layered over New York. Erickson originally bootstrapped the data explorer to share with Cohoes project stakeholders, but it is now shaping up to be a nice undergraduate elective.

“We try to have our students be driven by questions from elsewhere. NREL’s floating solar data set is an excellent launching point for students to use data to explore topics of deep importance,” Erickson mentions.

The exploration tool is an example of the cross-community collaboration that Bourgeois and Seman-Graves envision and which is already accounted for. They plan for NREL’s data and accompanying visualization to be part of a wider virtual platform where the city can share and access information about the floating solar installation and where Cohoes can be a resource for K–12 education, university-based research, workforce development, and economic collaboration, all of which provide a roadmap for others to adopt community ownership.

NREL also began cost benchmarking floating PV systems in 2021 to track their cost competitiveness nationwide. Another recent publication analyzed the benefits of pairing hydropower and floating PV systems around the world—a hybrid energy opportunity that could also be surprisingly cost friendly.

Read the full story and report here.

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Greenwood Signs Agreement with AquaSan for Solar Projects in Five States

Mazen Turk

Greenwood Sustainable Infrastructure, a solar energy investment and development subsidiary of the Libra Group, has acquired a scalable portfolio of solar developments from AquaSan Network-subsidiary CMDAJ Holdings LLC. This acquisition positions GSI to provide up to 233 MW in affordable, utility scale solar energy to new markets, including Minnesota, Colorado, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Wisconsin.

Initially, GSI will develop 40 MW of early-stage utility scale solar developments in Minnesota, with the option to build an additional 193 MW in Colorado, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Wisconsin, doubling its current footprint to 10 U.S. states. Following this transaction, Libra Group subsidiaries, including GSI, will be close to reaching 1 GW development mark, proving 950 MW in solar, wind and waste-to-energy with over 220 projects owned, currently under development or previously developed in six countries.

These developments will provide power to a combination of regulated utilities, investor-owned utilities and U.S. businesses allowing them to purchase solar energy to meet clean energy goals and lock in reduced electricity costs. The portfolio will increase access to reliable, clean energy and promote local job creation and the provision of clean, reliable and renewable water. 

“We were proud to partner with CMDAJ, a team of experienced renewable energy and water project developers in Denver Colorado, to complete this deal which will increase access to reliable, clean energy and promote local job creation,” says Camilo Patrignani, Libra Group’s EVP of energy. “The company and this transaction represent a key part of the Libra Group’s commitment to renewable energy in the Americas and around the world.”

The assets from this deal will be co-owned and co-developed by the GSI and CMDAJ partnership. Once the projects are ready to build, GSI plans to construct and operate the power plants.

“This is a very exciting announcement that will cement GSI’s growth plans hand in hand with CMDAJ, and continue to support and advance the nation’s transition to a reliable, clean energy future,” comments Mazen Turk, GSI’s CEO. “Since the start of operations in 2010, GSI has developed and built over 32 renewable energy assets and this acquisition furthers our exposure to the utility scale energy segment.”

“CMDAJ’s team has developed over 2 GW of thermal, solar, biomass and wind projects over the last 20 years and this partnership will enable us to expand our development portfolio and vertically integrate our efforts in renewable energy and water” states Carmine Iadarola, CEO of CMDAJ and AquaSan Network Inc.

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R3 Renewables Launches as Peabody, Riverstone, Summit Solar Investment Joint Venture

Peabody has launched R3 Renewables LLC, a renewable energy development company, in a joint venture with Riverstone Credit Partners and Summit Partners Credit Advisors. R3 Renewables will pursue the development of over 3.3 GW of solar PV and 1.6 GW of battery storage capacity over the next five years.

Initially, R3 Renewables will be engaged in the development of six potential sites on large tracts of land on or near previous coal mining operations in Indiana and Illinois. The portfolio size and strategic site locations, each of which is in close proximity to grid injection points, offer the potential for the development of the largest solar and battery storage projects in both Indiana and Illinois.

John Jones has been appointed as CEO. John brings nearly 30 years of expertise in the independent power industry, including senior roles at renewable industry leaders GE EFS, Lincoln Clean Energy (now Ørsted North America Onshore) and Invenergy.

“We are pleased to announce this new joint venture as part of Peabody’s commitment to be the coal producer of choice, creating additional value from our existing assets, supporting our own and our customers’ ESG ambitions and providing added economic benefits for the communities in which we work and live,” says Jim Grech, president and CEO of Peabody. “Both Riverstone and Summit Partners have deep experience across energy and growth sectors, and we believe R3 will benefit from their collective perspective on renewable energy solutions.”

“We are excited to partner with Peabody and Summit Partners as we launch R3 Renewables,” states Daniel Flannery, a managing director at Riverstone. “As one of the world’s largest private investment firms focused on energy, power, decarbonization and infrastructure, we believe we are well positioned to assist R3 Renewables to reclaim, reimagine and repower the region by pursuing these ambitious and transformative renewable energy projects.”

Image: Photo by Jadon Kelly on Unsplash

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Terra-Gen brings 560MWh California battery project online

Terra-Gen’s Valley Center Battery Storage Project, San Diego, California. Image: Terra-Gen.

Renewables developer Terra-Gen’s 140MW/560MWh Valley Center Battery Storage Project in California is now fully online, the company has announced.

“Our Valley Center Project has been successfully dispatching power to the local grid sinceDecember, and we’re proud to report that the facility is now 100% online,” said MarkTurner, Vice President of Energy Storage for Terra-Gen.

The four-hour lithium-ion battery energy storage system (BESS) is connected to a nearby San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) substation and has contracted with the investor-owned utility to provide power under a 15-year Resource Adequacy (RA) contract.

The procurement by SDG&E was approved by the regulatory California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) in January 2021 along with Vista Energy Storage, a smaller 10MW project from LS Power. Two Fluence-delivered but SDG&E-owned sites totalling 40MW were not approved (source: Public Utilities Commission of the State of California, Energy Division, RESOLUTION E-5117, January 14, 2021) although since that time at least one of them has been.

The Valley Center BESS will help prevent power outages, stabilise the grid, lower the cost of meeting peak power demand, increase the value of nearby wind and solar installations and reduce the need for expensive transmission infrastructure investments.

Investor-owned utilities in California are having to procure large amounts of additional, cleaner energy resources to bolster the grid and make up for the closure of traditional fossil fuel generating plants, particularly peaker plants.

The state has suffered numerous power shutoffs due to the recently increased wildfire risk and plans to have a zero-carbon electricity system by 2045.

As such, electricity suppliers have been ramping up their procurement of power and services from ongoing BESS developments in the last few years as well as developing their own systems. SDG&E has some of its own which will total 145MW by end-2022 and around 300MW by end-2023 while peer Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) recently put forward for approval contracts with nine projects totalling 1.6GW/6.4GWh, to add to a growing arsenal of battery resources it can call on.

Most current BESS projects related to state directives are due to come online over 2023-2026 with a large portion of those due to an 11.5GW clean energy procurement drive load-serving entities including utilities were ordered by CPUC to go on to ensure ‘Mid-Term Reliability’ as nuclear and fossil fuels come off the system. Earlier this month, the regulator also approved a plan to add more than 25.5GW of renewables and 15GW of storage in the state by 2032 at a cost of US$49 billion.

Terra-Gen says the Valley Center project is providing US$40 million to the local area in jobs and economic activity, which equates to around US$71,000 per megawatt-hour. That is roughly in line with the low end of industry benchmarking of average revenues for lithium-ion systems.

As part of the project the firm has donated US$250,000 to support the Valley Center Fire Protection District’s new nearby fire station.

The group is also working with construction group Mortensen to build what the pair claim will be the world’s largest solar-plus-storage project at 1,118MW of Solar and 2,165MWh of energy storage, the Edwards & Sanborn energy project, also in California. Part of its offtake has been secured by non-profit electricity supplier San Jose Clean Energy.

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Standard Solar, Pivot Energy Finish Fifth Community Solar Project in Colorado

Colorado Community Solar Gardens, one of the five community solar installations in the state

Pivot Energy and Standard Solar have completed a nearly 2 MW solar project in Jefferson County in Colorado. The project is the fifth and final site in a series of community solar developments launched by the partnership in 2019 in an effort to expand community solar access across the state. Developed in partnership with Pivot, Standard Solar funded the community solar array and is the projects’ long-term owner and operator.

“Pivot is very proud to see this portfolio come to fruition,” says Jon Fitzpatrick, vice president of project development for Pivot Energy. “These five projects are a step toward meeting the growing demand for clean energy across Colorado, all while supporting jobs and bringing myriad economic benefits to the local communities. Our partnership with Standard Solar has been a tremendous success in expanding access to solar for more Coloradans, and we look forward to continued solar development in the state and across the nation.”

Over 110 kW of the project’s capacity is specifically designated for low-to-moderate income segments of the community. Other notable offtakers include local municipalities: over 500 kW to the town of Eaton, nearly 75 kW to the Town of Parachute and over 500 kW to Garfield County. Key components of the community will also be partly supported by solar now, as the Grand Junction Airport and Homeward Bound of Grand Valley are also slated as offtakers.

“By working with Pivot Energy on these projects, we have been able to leverage our collective resources to yield even greater results,” mentions Shaun Laughlin, head of U.S. strategic development for Standard Solar. “Community solar is undeniably a key component of the future of clean energy and is set for immense, sustained growth. We are encouraged by the success of these projects in Colorado in expanding equitable access to solar power and committed to funding further development in the community solar sector.”

With the completion of this project, the two companies have met their goal of developing 8.9 MW of solar power in Colorado through this project series. The other four projects in the series are located in Garfield County, Jefferson County and Mesa County, and are also managed through SunCentral, Pivot Energy’s proprietary community solar customer management interface.

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Triodos turns to financing UK commercial and industrial battery storage for GridBeyond

Dutch ethical banking group Triodos was one of the parties financing this battery project, Giga Rhino, in the Netherlands. Image: Triodos.

GridBeyond is to develop a pipeline of behind-the-meter battery storage projects across the UK and Ireland, thanks to a project financing facility from Triodos Energy Transition Europe Fund.

The partnership includes €10 million (US$11.5 million) within the first phase, allowing GridBeyond, an energy storage services company with a background in demand response and smart energy automation, to install storage assets at its commercial and industrial (C&I) clients’ sites. 

“Over the last 12 months many I&C businesses have been examining the risks and rewards of installing battery storage on site, however for most the upfront costs of the technology is a firm barrier,” said GridBeyond chief operating officer (COO) Richard O’Loughlin.

“Through this partnership, which provides a fully funded battery storage system to our existing demand side response clients we are giving them the opportunity not only to bolster their energy resilience, but to make cost savings that can be further invested in actions that support the net zero transition.“

The energy software company will assess each client’s site size, demand profile, onsite generation or plans to develop generation assets, and the level of flexibility already available through demand-side response at the site. 

Using this information, it will select the best size of battery for each, and will then manage the procurement, installation and operation of the batteries. 

Triodos Energy Transition Europe Fund – which is managed by Triodos Investment Management – invests in renewable energy, energy efficiency and flexibility companies.

Vincent van Haarlem, fund manager of Triodos Energy Transition Europe Fund said: “Triodos Investment Management sees financing storage capacity projects as a broader responsibility in the energy transition given the key role these projects play in managing supply and demand of renewable energy. In addition, decentralised energy storage is a valuable addition to the toolbox of companies seeking to achieve carbon neutrality. As such we are very pleased to team up with GridBeyond and to proactively contribute to accelerating the energy transition through this collaboration.”

Beyond the initial partnership, Triodos Energy Transition Europe Fund and GridBeyond are exploring the potential of expanding into more global markets. 

GridBeyond currently operates in the UK, Ireland and Texas’ ERCOT market in the US, and expanded into Japan thanks to a Memorandum of Understanding with engineering company and EPC contractor Chiyoda Corporation in August 2021.

This story first appeared on Current±.

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Honeywell Powers Hecate’s Jicarilla Apache Nation Solar Park in New Mexico

Another Hecate Energy project, Old Midville, located in Millen, Ga.

Honeywell is supplying Hecate Energy with an energy storage system (ESS) for a solar park located on the Jicarilla Apache Nation in Northern New Mexico. When completed in fall 2022, the 50 MW solar farm will be capable of supplying enough electricity to power up to 16,000 average New Mexican homes for a year.

Honeywell will deliver a 20 MW ESS combined with the Experion Energy Control System to form a battery-powered platform that integrates asset monitoring, distributed energy resource management, supervisory control and analytics functionality. Collectively, these capabilities will enable Hecate Energy to accurately forecast and optimize energy costs at the site and ultimately support users having access to reliable and cost-effective clean energy.

Honeywell’s ESS is backed by Honeywell performance and outcome-based guarantees which include predictable and consistent costs, improved uptime, and “revenue stacking” capabilities, allowing the asset owner to utilize the ESS for more than one use-case application including peak shaving, backup power generation and demand response programs.

“We chose Honeywell for this landmark project because of their depth of knowledge and decades of expertise,” says Alex Pugh, Hecate’s project manager. “We believe in collaborative relationships with the clients and communities we serve, and Honeywell will work closely with us to deliver carbon-free energy to the people of New Mexico.”

“Honeywell is in a unique position to address today’s challenges in energy management and our work with Hecate represents another key step in global decarbonization efforts,” comments Ujjwal Kumar, president and CEO of Honeywell Process Solutions. “Hecate Energy, much like Honeywell, is focused on innovation and the latest technologies to lead the change in energy transition, making them an ideal collaborator in bringing renewable energy options to the table.”

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